Mata kuliah ini mengajarkan konsep dan teknik pemrograman berorientasi objek. Dalam mengajarkan konsep PBO tersebut, bahasa pemrograman Python akan digunakan karena Python menggunakan konsep objek
The Big Data Analysis course covers the concept of Big Data analysis, including Volume, Velocity, and Variety (3V), then there is predictive analysis, without any
Examining the concepts of soft computing, Perceptron, Neural Network, Fuzzy, Supervised Learning, and unsupervised Learning, as well as their applications in everyday life.
Examining the concepts of soft computing, Perceptron, Neural Network, Fuzzy, Supervised Learning, and unsupervised Learning, as well as their applications in everyday life.
Examining the concepts of soft computing, Perceptron, Neural Network, Fuzzy, Supervised Learning, and unsupervised Learning, as well as their applications in everyday life.
Examining the concepts of soft computing, Perceptron, Neural Network, Fuzzy, Supervised Learning, and unsupervised Learning, as well as their applications in everyday life.