Course Description
This course examines the marketing concept which is currently oriented and focused on customers. Through studying the Sharia Marketing Management course, students will gain insight into modern marketing programs that are in accordance with Sharia in the 21st century. In this course students are expected to be able to describe sharia and conventional marketing concepts, describe the dynamics of Muslims as a potential market (market, market behavior and customer value), explaining and practicing the concept of ethics in sharia marketing, defining the concept of halal goods and services, explaining the characteristics of sharia marketing, defining and practicing consumer behavior, explaining and practicing marketing communication strategies, identifying the marketing mix, and explaining product development strategies New.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Mampu menguasai teori tentang manajemen pemasaran secara menyeluruh
- CPMK-2 Mampu menyelesaikan tugasnya dan kewajibannya dengan bertanggung jawab dan beretika
- Mampu mengaplikasikan teori tentang manajemen pemasaran syariah
- Mahasiswa dapat menerapkan prinsip-prinsip pemasaran syariah dalam merancang strategi pemasaran yang etis dan sesuai dengan syariat Islam (C3)