Course Description
This course contains the concept of international business and the development of world markets, the terms, systems and methods used in international trade, the scope and environment of international trade, international business management systems, international business operations management systems and the use of payment instruments in completing trade between countries. . The learning method used is a combination of lecture methods, group discussions, and questions and answers at each meeting per subject.
Program Objectives (PO)
- C4. Mahasiswa mampu menguraikan dengan rinci teori-teori bisnis internasional.
- P5. Mahasiswa mampu menyelesaikan kasus bisnis internasional dengan baik
- A5. Mahasiswa mampu menunjukkan pada karakter Tangguh, Kolaboratif, Adaptif, Inovatif, Inklusif, Kewirausahaan dalam mengelola bisnis secara global