Course Description
This course provides a foundation for professional behavior as a nutrition profession, so it requires an introduction to the concept of ethics, the code of ethics for nutritionists, nutrition as a profession and attitudes of professionalism, educational level and competency of nutritionists at each level as a basis for being able to behave professionally, role-function and the authority of nutritionists, as well as the types of professional organizations that nutrition graduates can join as part of professionalism. In this regard, it is necessary to first understand integrity and professionalism as a student, which underlies the formation of ethics and morals when you take part in your profession. Students also gain knowledge about the authority and development of the nutrition profession internationally, along with the professional organizations that oversee it
Program Objectives (PO)
- Mengetahui konsep bioetika serta sejarah dan perkembangan ilmu gizi
- Mengetahui dasar-dasar etika, norma, profesi dan profesionalisme sebagai landasan memahami peran calon profesional
- Mengetahui tentang jenjang pendidikan gizi, capaian kompetensi lulusan di setiap jenjangnya, sebagai dasar untuk mengetahui batasan kompetensi yang dimiliki oleh setiap calon profesional
- Mengetahui Standar Profesi Gizi, Kompetensi, Peran dan Wewenang Ahli Gizi
- Mengetahui Batasan Etika, moral dan integritas yang harus dimiliki oleh mahasiswa yang bersiap menjadi profesional
- Mengetahui Isu Etika dan regulasi terkait praktik kerja ahli gizi, pelayanan kesehatan dan penelitian bidang gizi
- Mengetahui kode etik profesi gizi di Indonesia maupun internasional
- Mengetahui hak asasi manusia sebagai landasan untuk menghargai kesetaraan dalam pelayanan kesehatan
- Mengetahui perkembangan profesi ahli gizi di Indonesia