Course Description
This course examines research paradigms, research approaches, types of research, study of the latest research articles, hypotheses, variables, research designs, research instruments, research techniques, data analysis and interpretation of research results, as well as steps for preparing proposals and research report. This course is presented theoretically and the assignment is to prepare an educational research proposal as the final product of the course
Program Objectives (PO)
- Mendeskripsikan hakikat penelitian, tujuan umum penelitian, jenis penelitian, validitas internal dan eksternal, serta karakteristik proses penelitian
- Menganalisis dan menyusun landasan teori, kerangka berpikir, dan pengajuan hipotesis untuk keperluan penelitian
- Mengidentifikasi serta merumuskan variabel serta definisi operasional variabel dalam penelitian
- Mengidentifikasi serta merumuskan desain dan rancangan penelitian
- Menyusun dan mengembangkan proposal penelitian beserta instrumen pengumpulan data