Course Description
This course examines school-based management, clinical supervision through presentations and discussions, and facilitates students in developing learning tools based on the applicable curriculum, the needs and diversity of students, including those with special needs. This device is a means of preparing students to manage learning at school for microteaching courses in accordance with applicable National Education Standards through workshops and discussions. Students are required to utilize ICT and research results to produce products in the form of learning tools for primary and secondary education. Apart from that, it also equips students to have teaching skills in the form of micro teaching and peer teaching
Program Objectives (PO)
- Mengkaji karakteristik deep learning dan keterampilan dasar mengajar
- Memanfaatkan sumber belajar dan TIK untuk mendukung perancangan dan pelaksanaan microteaching dan peer teaching
- Memanfaatkan hasil-hasil riset untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran yang efektif
- Mampu mengkomunikasikan gagasan dan hasil perancangan perangkat pembelajaran secara efektif dalam lisan dan tulisan