Course Description
This course is a compulsory subject and is the basis for the pedagogical aspect of understanding physics teaching material at school, which equips students with the development of physics laboratories at school. After attending this lecture, students are expected to have the ability to design and manage a school physics laboratory. In this lecture, we discuss how to design a laboratory, administer the laboratory, store laboratory equipment, health and safety at work in the laboratory, maintenance and maintenance of equipment. The lecture also discusses the current conditions of laboratories in schools, along with development alternatives. Lectures are carried out using learning media facilities such as laptops, LCDs, computer software, laboratory equipment, using lecture, discussion, presentation and question and answer methods.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Mahasiswa mampu merancang eksperimen fisika berbasis proyek
- Mahasiswa mampu mengaplikasikan alat-alat laboratorium fisika secara tepat dan aman
- Mahasiswa mampu merancang alat-alat laboratorium fisika standar
- Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan prinsip manajemen laboratorium fisika, termasuk pengelolaan inventaris, pemeliharaan alat, penyusunan prosedur operasional standar (POS), penerapan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3), analisis risiko, serta merancang tata ruang laboratorium yang efektif