Course Description
This lecture discusses: History of planet Earth, Earth systems and structure, interactions of large-scale systems and plate tectonics, natural disasters, disaster mitigation, volcanoes, origins of the universe, the Sun system, Earth in the Sun system, Earth‘s atmosphere, Solar radiation , Threats to planet Earth and efforts to protect it. This lecture can be attended by students who have taken the Basic Physics I course. The lectures are implemented using a project based learning model with an exploratory case study approach in activities inside the classroom and outside the classroom through field work. The learning process is supported by the VLP volcano simulation software that has been developed and other software that is considered relevant in supporting the IPBA learning process. This learning aims to develop the prediction and decision making skills of prospective physics teacher students as well as the ability to solve authentic problems that develop in society.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Mampu berpikir tingkat tinggi (komplek) secara efektif dalam memecahkan permasalah yang berkaitan dengan Gravitasi Semesta
- Mampu bekerjasama secara efektif dalam membuat karya tulis yang baik berkaitan dengan Struktur Bumi
- Mampu mengolah informasi secara efektif untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang berkaitan dengan Sistem Tata Surya
- Mampu berkomunikasi secara efektif dalam menyajikan Poster Tematik IPBA