Course Description
This course equips students as prospective teachers about the basic concepts of education, human nature and its development, the foundations of education, education as a system, the national education system, teachers as a profession, educational problems, educational innovation in Indonesia, and character education both at school and outside schools through discussion and presentation activities, as well as honing awareness of various educational problems, then trying to provide solutions to thoughts, ideas conceptually and measurably through real work. Learning applies active learning and problem-based learning (PBL) methods. Assessment and measurement are carried out in the form of objective, subjective (affective) and performance tests.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Mengambil keputusan yang tepat berdasarkan analisis informasi dan data sehingga mampu memberikan petunjuk dalam memilih berbagai alternatif solusi secara mandiri dan kelompok.
- Menguasai konsep teoretis tentang landasan kependidikan secara mendalam serta mampu memformulasikan penyelesaian masalah prosedural.