Course Description
Use of theories and research results that are relevant to the dissertation research topic to prepare dissertation research methods in a fundamental, comprehensive, integrative and constructive manner. The topics of this course include studying the mandatory and optional elements of research methods and content, differences in styles of expressing research proposals and reports, and the practice of preparing chapter III of a dissertation proposal through independent study, presentations, discussions, or publication with the final product in the form of chapter III. may be accompanied by papers or articles
Program Objectives (PO)
- Memanfaatkan ipteks untuk menyusun konten bab I proposal disertasi
- 2. Menguasai konsep teoretis aspek-aspek dan konten bab III proposal disertasi
- 3. Mengambil keputusan strategis dalam konteks penyelesaian bab III proposal disertasi
- 4. Bertanggung jawab dan berkarakter iman, cerdas, mandiri, jujur, peduli, dan tangguh dalam penyelesaian tugas yang terkait dengan penyelesaian bab III proposal disertasi