Course Description
To be able to take the sensory and behavioral studies of children with learning difficulties, students must first complete the prerequisite courses, namely the Education course for children with learning difficulties. This course is a continuing series that equips students with knowledge and skills in handling (teaching) children with specific learning difficulties in schools, including inclusive schools, using various techniques and strategies. Students are also expected to be able to determine interventions that suit the special characteristics of children with learning difficulties, which are very diverse, where the conditions of one child with learning difficulties will vary. By attending this lecture, it is hoped that students will be able to have the right understanding regarding children‘s sensory and behavior that is appropriate to the needs of children with learning difficulties, both in formal and non-formal channels, so that the final target of students is to be able to provide appropriate compensatory services for participants. students have learning difficulties.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Memanfaatkan ipteks sebagai media dan alat bantu dalam menyusun dan menentukan materi sensori dan perilaku yang tepat bagi peserta didik berkesulitan belajar yang sesuai dengan kondisi dan karakteristik siswa · Menguasai dasar-dasar teori terkait dengan snsori dan perilaku anak berkesulitan belajar sekaligus dapat merinci tentang kondisi khusus peserta didik berkesulitan belajar. Mengambil keputusan strategis dalam menghadapi fenomena dan probematika yang dialami oleh peserta didik berkesulitan belajar sesuai dengan dasar-dasar teoretis sensori dan perilaku anak berkesulitan belajar. · Bertanggung jawab terhadap perencanaan dan pengembangan meteri sensori dan perilaku yang dirancang dengan penyesuaian terhadap kondisi khusus anak berkeulitan belajar secara inovatif, kreatif, dan profesional.