
Our Top Course
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Program Studi S3 Pendidikan Sains UNESA

(15 Reviews)

Problems AND Innovations OF | 2024B

  • 16 Lessons

Studying the problems faced by science education at local, regional and global levels, carrying out analysis (Fishbone Analysis) to find the main causes and accompanying

(15 Reviews)

Advanced Learning Theory | 2024B

  • 16 Lessons

This lecture discusses Behavioral Views of Learning: What Behavioral Learning Theories Have Evolved? What Are Some Principles of Behavioral Learning? How Has Social Learning Theory

(15 Reviews)

Problems AND Innovation IN Science Education | 2024A

  • 16 Lessons

Mengaji tentang problema-problema yang dihadapi oleh pendidikan sains pada level lokal, regional, maupun global, melakukan analisis (Fishbone Analysis) untuk menemukan penyebab utama dan penyebab penyerta

(15 Reviews)

Independent Study Field OF Study Supporting THE Dissertation | 2023F

  • 16 Lessons

This dissertation supporting course, the contents and name of the course are determined by the promoter together with the Head of the Study Program, adjusted

(15 Reviews)

Critical Analysis OF Learning Theory | 2024A

  • 16 Lessons

Perkuliahan ini menelaah secara kritis (proses analisis dan evaluasi yang mendalam terhadap suatu informasi, ide, atau karya dengan tujuan untuk memahami, menilai, dan menentukan kevalidan,

(15 Reviews)

Development Science Education Curriculum | 2023A

  • 16 Lessons

This course examines assumptions, theories, standards, evaluation, and output-based curriculum development methods and hones the ability to develop science education curricula at the higher education