This course contains basic concepts of micro and macro economics in analyzing the economy and government policies in the economic sector, which includes material about
This course contains basic concepts of micro and macro economics in analyzing the economy and government policies in the economic sector, which includes material about
This course contains basic concepts of micro and macro economics in analyzing the economy and government policies in the economic sector, which includes material about
This course contains basic concepts of micro and macro economics in analyzing the economy and government policies in the economic sector, which includes material about
In studying this course students are able to explain the concept of administration, analyze the position of administration, analyze the relationship between administration and other
Mata kuliah ini membahas konsep manajemen kearsipan meliputi: (1) pengelolaan surat masuk dan surat keluar, (2) manajemen kearsipan, (3) keguanaan, fungsi dan peranan arsip, (4)