Mata kuliah ini membahas konsep manajemen kearsipan meliputi: (1) pengelolaan surat masuk dan surat keluar, (2) manajemen kearsipan, (3) keguanaan, fungsi dan peranan arsip, (4)
Mata kuliah ini membahas konsep manajemen kearsipan meliputi: (1) pengelolaan surat masuk dan surat keluar, (2) manajemen kearsipan, (3) keguanaan, fungsi dan peranan arsip, (4)
This course includes a discussion of basic theoretical concepts of computer applications including basic concepts and practice of 10 finger typing, understanding and scope of
This course includes a discussion of basic theoretical concepts of computer applications including basic concepts and practice of 10 finger typing, understanding and scope of
This course includes a discussion of basic theoretical concepts of computer applications including basic concepts and practice of 10 finger typing, understanding and scope of
Students have knowledge, insight and competence in the office sector regarding correspondence, types of letters, parts of letters, forms of letters, functions of letters and