Course Description
Understanding the theory of material formation processes, definition of scope, concepts regarding material formation processes. Understanding of electron nomenclature, atomic and crystal structures, chemical bonds and metallic bonds, classification of engineering materials, mechanical properties of materials, phase diagrams for the formation of materials: ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals, polymers, composites and alloys, as well as treatments: digestion, foundry, casting.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Mahasiswa memahami sifat-sifat dan struktur dasar material teknik, termasuk logam, polimer, keramik, dan komposit
- Mahasiswa mampu menganalisis sifat mekanik, termal, dan elektris material
- Mahasiswa dapat memilih material yang sesuai berdasarkan aplikasi dan lingkungan kerja
- Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan teknik pengujian dan analisis material dalam konteks industri