Course Description
This course examines the basic concepts of contextual business planning and development, which include forms of business ownership, organizing business companies, paying attention to business environmental factors, developing human resources, monitoring production, and implementing appropriate marketing strategies by paying attention to business ethics and social responsibility. Learning is carried out by applying discussion, presentation and project methods.Course DescriptionThis course examines the basic concepts of contextual business planning and development, which include forms of business ownership, organizing business companies, paying attention to business environmental factors, developing human resources, controlling production, and carrying out appropriate marketing strategies by paying attention to business ethics and social responsibility. Learning is done by applying the methods of discussion, presentation, and project.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Mampu menggunakan konsep dan teori dalam pengantar bisnis
- Mengaplikasikan dan merancang bisnis plan sederhana
- Mampu menunjukkan sikap bertanggung jawab atas pencapaian hasil kerja baik secara individu maupun kelompok dalam kegiatan dan diskusi di kelas