Course Description
As science and technology develop increasingly rapidly, students‘ affection and psychomotor skills need to be given insight into global issues, frameworks, and national/international standards aimed at data security. This course is designed so that students are able to learn the legal basis for using information technology wisely and ethically. However, in this lecture there is also practice of data attack techniques so that you can comprehensively understand data security management. This course is delivered in the form of discussion, case-based learning, and role playing. After taking the data security management course, students are expected to explore the role of data hackers so that lessons can be learned to be more careful in sharing data within an organization. (As science and technology develop more rapidly, affective and psychomotor students need to be given insight regarding global issues, frameworks, and national/international standards to secure data. This course is designed so that students can learn the legal basis for the wise and ethical use of information technology. However, in this lecture, there is also the practice of data attack techniques to understand data security management comprehensively. This course is delivered through discussions, case-based learning, and role-playing. After taking the data security management course, students are expected to explore the role of data hackers so that the lessons learned can be used to be more careful in sharing data within the organization.)
Program Objectives (PO)
- Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan konsep, kebijakan, dan kaitan keamanan data terhadap penggunaan TI [C2, P2]
- Mahasiswa mampu memberikan studi kasus dan penjelasan tentang kerangka kerja atau standar internasional yang terkait dengan perlindungan data konsumen [C3, A2]
- Mahasiswa mampu mempraktikkan teknik penyerangan data melalui media teknologi informasi [C3, P3, A2]
- Mahasiswa mampu menyikapi dengan bijak pasca penyerangan data secara etis [C3, P2, A3]