Course Description
This course contains a general overview of the process of procuring government goods/services and is more specific to the procurement process for construction work which consists of selecting construction consultancy services and tendering for construction work. The material to be discussed consists of a general description of government procurement of goods/services, procurement actors, planning, preparation and implementation of selection/tendering for construction services work. This course will also discuss models of procurement documents and bidding documents for construction consultancy services and construction work. The procurement process (selection/tender) via an electronic system will also be explained in this course. The end of this course is a case study of construction service job selection/tendering.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Mahasiswa mampu memiliki pengetahuan tentang proses pengadaan barang/jasa pemerintah.
- Mahasiswa mampu memahami tahapan seleksi/tender pekerjaan jasa konstruksi.
- Mahasiswa mampu memahami model dokumen pengadaan seleksi/tender pekerjaan jasa konstruksi.
- Mahasiswa mampu memahami dokumen penawaran seleksi/tender pekerjaan jasa konstruksi.