Course Description
Provide an understanding of the basic concepts of design and mastery of skills in applying design elements which include line, direction, shape, size, texture, value and color. color), as well as design principles which include the principles of unity, proportion, balance, center of interest, rhythm, contrast and harmony in various works of art/design related to cosmetology field. How to make body proportions, face shape and draw hair styling. Learning activities are accompanied by preparing papers and practicing creating works of art/design in the field of make-up, both in groups and individually. Learning is carried out online by implementing a direct learning model using internet media platforms through zoom meetings, Google Meet and WhatsApp. The methods used are lectures, demonstrations, exercises, discussions and presentations.
Program Objectives (PO)
- CPMK 1 1. Mahasiswa memiliki pengetahuan tentang unsur-unsur dan prinsip-prinsip desain
- 2. Mahasiswa memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan perencanaan dalam pembuatan suatu karya seni/ desain dalam bidang tat arias.
- 3. Mahasiswa memiliki keterampilan dalam menganalisis desain dan membuat karya seni dalam bidang tata rias sesuai dengan unsur dan prinsip desain.
- 4. Mahasiswa memiliki sikap bertanggung jawab dalam membuat karya seni atau desain dalam bidang tata rias.