Course Description
Discusses the scientific attitude that academics must have; understand good reading techniques, understand the reading text so that you are able to understand the meaning of the article; literature selection, interpretation, understanding and meaning of literature; summaries and comments; synthesis; scientific writing; understand various sources for publishing national and international scientific journals, technology for accessing national and international journals; How to access international journals.
Program Objectives (PO)
- CPL-3 - Mengembangkan pemikiran logis, kritis, sistematis, dan kreatif dalam melakukan pekerjaan yang spesifik di bidang keahliannya serta sesuai dengan standar kompetensi kerja bidang yang bersangkutan
- CPL-7 - Mampu melakukan komunikasi ilmiah melalui jurnal ilmiah, prosiding seminar, poster ilmiah, audio visual, dan komunikasi umum dalam berbagai bentuk