Course Description
This course is a course that studies the development of the concept of community empowerment, stages of empowerment, community organization, methods and steps for empowerment through mobilization, participation, cadre formation, community development as a process of social change, increasing community participation through community deliberations, models community empowerment and efforts to solve problems faced by communities in a village or city area in the form of community empowerment designs for regional management
Program Objectives (PO)
- Menganalisis filosofi, konsep, prinsip, ruang lingkup, dan posisi pemberdayaan masyarakat
- menganalisis problem-problem ketidakberdayaan masyarakat dan mengenali kategori kelompok rentan
- menganalisis pelaksanaan pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam pengelolaan wilayah kota atau desa
- mengevaluasi tahapan dan proses pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam pengelolaan wilayah
- merancang kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam pengelolaan wilayah