Course Description
This course is the final assignment of all stages of student studies. This course requires students to conduct empirical and independent studies in the field or through other sources of information to examine various social problems that occur in society. Before conducting empirical studies, students are required to prepare a research proposal which is presented in front of the board of examiners. While conducting studies in the field, students are guided by a lecturer and carry out intensive consultations. The learning activities for this course end with students defending the research results they have formulated in the form of a research report in front of the board of examiners.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Menerapkan konsep dan teori sosiologi dalam perumusan masalah penelitian yang relevan dengan isu sosial terkini (C3)
- Menganalisis data kualitatif dan kuantitatif untuk mendukung hipotesis dalam konteks sosiologi pendidikan dan masyarakat inklusif
- Mengevaluasi efektivitas solusi yang diusulkan terhadap masalah sosial yang diteliti berdasarkan kriteria ilmiah dan etis
- Menciptakan metodologi penelitian yang inovatif untuk mengatasi keterbatasan data dalam studi sosiologi (C6)
- Menerapkan teknik analisis data yang sesuai untuk menginterpretasi fenomena sosial dalam konteks global dan lokal
- Menciptakan pendekatan baru dalam penelitian sosiologi yang mengintegrasikan aspek-aspek inklusif dan berkelanjutan (C6)