Study of what, why and how humans communicate, components and context of communication. Emphasis is placed on how to create effective communication.
Program Objectives (PO)
Mahasiswa mampu memahami konsep dasar, fungsi, unsur, model dan proses komunikasi
Mahasiswa mampu menganalisis fenomena sosial berdasarkan konsep dasar dan proses komunikasi,
Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan model dalam tataran komunikasi interpersonal hingga komunikasi massa serta mengaplikasikan proses komunikasi dalam kehidupan sehari -hari
Aktifitas Pembelajaran
Pertemuan 1
Hakikat komunikasi
Date 4 September 2024
Pertemuan 2
Mengapa setiap individu berkomunikasi
Date 11 September 2024
Pertemuan 3
Dapat mamahami konsep komunikasi dari beberapa tokoh
Understanding and Steps Regarding Observation and Micro-Learning, Questioning Skills, Reinforcement Skills, Variation Skills, Explaining Skills, Opening and Closing Skills, Small Group Discussion Guiding Skills, Class
Study of political dimensions, government, power, authority, legitimacy, state, nation, political integration, ideology, political parties, political and interest representation, political decisions, political conflict, political behavior,
Conduct studies on existing teaching materials, SK-KD, indicators that are in accordance with the material needed by students and in accordance with the demands of