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( 16 Sections)
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( 16 Sections)

Course Biologi Umum

Program Studi S1 Kimia UNESA

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Course Description

Understand the basic concepts of Biology as a science, structure and function of cells, metabolism which includes transport, photosynthesis and respiration, genetics, diversity of living things and nomenclature, origins of life, evolution, structure and function of plant and animal organ tissues, ecology, organism behavior and biotechnology, and practice solving problems using scientific methods. General Biology studies are accompanied by various process skills (minds on activity and hands on activity) which will be used to solve problems in the field of Biology and its applications. Learning is delivered through presentations, discussions and practicums.

Program Objectives (PO)

  • 1. Menguasai konsep-konsep dasar biologi, yaitu Biologi sebagai ilmu, struktur dan fungsi sel, pembelahan sel, metabolisme yang mencakup transpor, fotosintesis dan respirasi, genetika, keanekaragaman makhluk hidup,evolusi, struktur fungsi jaringan organ tumbuhan dan hewan, ekologi, pertumbuhan dan perkembangan mikroba, biotehnologi, serta berlatih memecahkan masalah melalui metoda ilmiah

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