Course Description
This lecture discusses Behavioral Views of Learning: What Behavioral Learning Theories Have Evolved? What Are Some Principles of Behavioral Learning? How Has Social Learning Theory Contributed to Our Understanding of Human Learning? Cognitive Views of Learning: What is an Information-Processing Model? What Causes People to Remember or Forget? How Can Memory Strategies Be Taught? What Makes Information Meaningful? Complex Cognitive Processes: How Do Metacognitive Skills Help Students Learn? What Study Strategies Help Students Learn? How Do Cognitive Teaching Strategies Help Students Learn? What is the Constructivist View of How We Learn?: Individual Constructivism, Individual Constructivism in the Classroom, Social Constructivism and Vygotsky, Social Constructivism in the Classroom, Cooperative Learning, Constructivist Principles. Theories of Motivation: What is Motivation? What are Some Theories of Motivation? How Can Teachers Increase Students‘ Motivation to Learn? How Can Achievement Motivation be Enhanced? How Can Teachers Reward Performance, Effort, and Improvement? Andragogy, and Seamless Learning. Lectures are conducted in the Online Flipped Classroom mode with the main activities being theoretical studies and relevant research research, presentations and discussions. Assessment includes assessment of learning activities, assignments, UTS and UAS.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Mahasiswa dapat memberikan argumen pentingnya pemahaman tentang teori belajar dalam pengembangan pembelajaran sains.
- Mahasiswa dapat melakukan telaah kritis tentang ide-ide utama teori belajar terkini dan penerapannya dalam pembelajaran danpenelitian sains untuk penulisan disertasi.
- Mahasiswa dapat menulis praproposal disertasi Bab I dan Bab II yang menekankan pada kajian teori belajar yang relevan dengan topik disertasi secara mandiri dan bertanggung jawab.