Course Description
This course examines the basic principles of reproduction and development of invertebrate and vertebrate animals including the process of gamete cell formation (male and female gametogenesis), the fertilization process, zygote division, gastrulation, neurulation, the estrous cycle in mammals and the menstrual cycle in humans as well as hormonal control, development embryo membranes, reproductive engineering techniques (environment, genetics and phenotype). This course also facilitates students to make research topics and become entrepreneurs, especially in the field of animal husbandry and fisheries by applying the principles of reproductive engineering. This course is presented in the form of theory, assignments and projects with presentations and discussions.
Program Objectives (PO)
- CPMK 1 Mampu mendemonstrasikan pengetahuan dasar tentang reproduksi dan perkembangan hewan dan manusia dalam menganalisis isu-isu biologi terkini (PLO – 2 : Pengetahuan)
- CPMK 2
- CPMK 3 Mampu menerapkan keterampilan yang dapat ditransfer dalam rekayasa teknologi reproduksi dan perkembangan hewan untuk mengembangkan ecopreneurship (eco- inovation, eco- oppurtunity, eco- comitmen (PLO – 7 : Keterampilan Khusus )
- CPMK 4 Mampu menerapkan pemikiran logis, kritis, sistematis, dan inovatif dalam konteks pengembangan atau implementasi ilmu pengetahuan dan/atau teknologi sesuai dengan bidang keahliannya (PLO – 9 : Keterampilan Umum)
- CPMK 5 Mampu bekerja secara mandiri, bertanggung jawab, baik sebagai individu maupun dalam kelompok, serta mampu bekerja sama (PLO – 10 : Sikap dan Sosial)