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( 16 Sections)

Course Argumentative Writing

Program Studi S1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris UNESA

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Course Description

The course is a continuation to Expository and Analytical Writing. In this course, the aim is to further improve students‘ ability in argumentative writing, a skill that can help students‘ personal, academic, and professional life. The purpose of argumentative writing in this course is to convince the audience in a reasonable manner by employing critical thinking skills to form logical, effective and believable written arguments. Emphasis is placed on the process of writing with development of content, organization, and paragraph to essay structure. The teaching – learning activities are conducted through brief presentations by the teacher, discussions that involve both students and teachers, and practices by the students in the form of essay writing workshops. Integrated into these activities are the in-class assignments, analytical reading sessions and peer review activities in addition to extended essays developed outside of class.

Program Objectives (PO)

Aktifitas Pembelajaran

  • Pertemuan 1
    To understand the exemplification essay
    • Date  5 September 2024

  • Pertemuan 2
    To understand the exemplification essay
    • Date  12 September 2024

  • Pertemuan 3
    To understand the exemplification essay
    • Date  19 September 2024

  • Pertemuan 4
    To understand the process essay
    • Date  26 September 2024

  • Pertemuan 5
    To understand the process essay
    • Date  3 Oktober 2024

  • Pertemuan 6
    To understand the cause and effect essay
    • Date  10 Oktober 2024

  • Pertemuan 7
    To understand the cause and effect essay
    • Date  17 Oktober 2024

  • Pertemuan 8
    To understand the cause and effect essay
    • Date  24 Oktober 2024

  • Pertemuan 9
    To understand the comparison and contrast essay
    • Date  31 Oktober 2024

  • Pertemuan 10
    To understand the comparison and contrast essay
    • Date  7 November 2024

  • Pertemuan 11
    To understand the classification and division essay
    • Date  14 November 2024

  • Pertemuan 12
    To understand the classification and division essay
    • Date  21 November 2024

  • Pertemuan 13
    To understand the classification and division essay
    • Date  28 November 2024

  • Pertemuan 14
    To understand the argumentative essay
    • Date  5 Desember 2024

  • Pertemuan 15
    To understand the argumentative essay
    • Date  12 Desember 2024

  • Pertemuan 16
    • Date  19 Desember 2024



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  • Program StudiS1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
  • Semester3
  • Lectures1
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