
Our Top Course
Pengembangan Media Foto
( 16 Sections)
Komunikasi Pembelajaran
( 16 Sections)

Course Essential Writing Skills

Program Studi S1 Sastra Inggris UNESA

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Course Description

This course is a continuation of the paragraph writing course and is designed to help its participants master the concept of descriptive and narrative essay writing which integrates the process of writing, essay structure and principles of unity and coherence. Accordingly, the general discussion in this course includes inventing ideas and limiting the subject of discussion as well as essay structure. To accommodate the achievement of learning outcomes, the course is conducted through lecturer‘s presentation, class discussion, and writing practices for academic purposes. This course is a continuation of the paragraph writing course and is designed to help its participants master the concept of descriptive and narrative essay writing which integrates the process of writing, essay structure and principles of unity and coherence. Accordingly, the general discussion in this course includes inventing ideas and limiting the subject of discussion as well as essay structure. To accommodate the achievement of learning outcomes, the course is conducted through lecturer‘s presentation, class discussion, and writing practices for academic purposes.

Program Objectives (PO)

  • Being able to estimate the title dan messages from complete text.
  • Being able to compose descriptive and narrative essay writings, which include main ideas, supporting details and simple grammar patterns, are developed as foundation on writing skills
  • Being able to describe objects in written form appropriately according to intermediate level
  • Being able to show respect in giving response toward the feedback

Aktifitas Pembelajaran

  • Pertemuan 1
    Being able to understand the basics of grammar, punctuation and sentence structure
    • Date  28 Agustus 2023

  • Pertemuan 2
    2 Being able to develop the ability to write effective paragraphs and essays
    • Date  4 September 2023

  • Pertemuan 3
    To demonstrate the implementation of paragraph structure concept in paragraph writing
    • Date  11 September 2023

  • Pertemuan 4
    To demonstrate the implementation of paragraph structure concept in paragraph writing
    • Date  18 September 2023

  • Pertemuan 5
    To demonstrate the implementation of paragraph structure concept in paragraph writing
    • Date  25 September 2023

  • Pertemuan 6
    To demonstrate the implementation of paragraph structure concept in paragraph writing
    • Date  2 Oktober 2023

  • Pertemuan 7
    2 Being able to develop the ability to write effective paragraphs and essays
    • Date  9 Oktober 2023

  • Pertemuan 8
    2 Being able to develop the ability to write effective paragraphs and essays
    • Date  16 Oktober 2023

  • Pertemuan 9
    2 Being able to develop the ability to write effective paragraphs and essays
    • Date  23 Oktober 2023

  • Pertemuan 10
    2 Being able to develop the ability to write effective paragraphs and essays
    • Date  30 Oktober 2023

  • Pertemuan 11
    2 Being able to develop the ability to write effective paragraphs and essays
    • Date  6 November 2023

  • Pertemuan 12
    2 Being able to develop the ability to write effective paragraphs and essays
    • Date  13 November 2023

  • Pertemuan 13
    2 Being able to develop the ability to write effective paragraphs and essays
    • Date  20 November 2023

  • Pertemuan 14
    2 Being able to develop the ability to write effective paragraphs and essays
    • Date  27 November 2023

  • Pertemuan 15
    2 Being able to develop the ability to write effective paragraphs and essays
    • Date  4 Desember 2023

  • Pertemuan 16
    2 Being able to develop the ability to write effective paragraphs and essays
    • Date  11 Desember 2023


  • 215,475 Reviews4.8 Rating

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  • Program StudiS1 Sastra Inggris
  • Semester1
  • Lectures1
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