Course Description
The AUD (1) Arts course for Dance is a basic concept of dance learning for early childhood which aims to provide theoretical provision to recognize and understand the definition of the meaning and function of dance in a definitive, perspective and appreciative manner, to provide theoretical and practical knowledge about learning techniques. dance for early childhood with a concept approach and value orientation of Educational Dance for early childhood, as well as providing procedural concepts for teaching children in dance activities according to the level of development of their physical abilities and imagination, with the final aim of being able to know comprehensively about Education and teaching of Dance for Early Childhood . The learning strategies used are Lecture Method, Project Based Learning, Group Discussion, Simulation
Program Objectives (PO)
- Mahasiswa mampu bekerja sama dengan kelompok, berpartisipasi mengembangkan wawasan tentang seni tari, dandapat bertanggungjawab memproduksi desain pembelajaran sesuai kesepakatan
- Mahasiswa mampu menganalisis konsep-konsep dasar seni tari, mampu mengapresiasi dan memahami potensianak dalam berlatih seni di usia dini, serta menguasai teori dan praktek pembelajaran tari untuk anak usia dini, dapat memilihmetode, model, teknik, dan media ataupun alat peraga yang relevan.
- Mahasiswa mampu menunjukan kinerja dalam mendesain, mengelola dan memperagakan secara simulatifpraktek pembelajaran tari pada anak usia dini