Course Description
This course examines learning strategies including PAUD approaches, learning models, PAUD learning models, and learning methods needed in learning at PAUD with learning that utilizes science and technology in the lecture process, namely face-to-face learning and vi-learning. In the learning process, students are taught to be able to solve problems that arise with an attitude of responsibility and in practice they are taught to be able to answer solutions to problems that exist in the PAUD unit. The learning strategies used are lectures, case studies, collaborative learning, cooperative learning and group discussions.
Program Objectives (PO)
- - Mahasiswa mampu menguraikan dan membandingkan strategi pembelajaran, model PAUD, model pembelajaran, dan metode pembelajaran
- - Mahasiswa mampu menganalisis macam-macam model pembelajaran
- - Mahasiswa mampu menganalisis dan mengevaluasi metode pembelajaran dalam pembelajaran PAUD
- - Mahasiswa mampu merancang pemecahan masalah berkaitan dengan permasalahan pembelajaran di PAUD