Course Description
Studies regarding; (1) Development of administrative theory; (2) Organizational structure; (3) Organizational culture; (4) Motivation; (5) Leadership; (6) Decision making; (7) Communication; (8) Organizational changes; (9) Government and education; (10) Excellence, equality and education; (11) School finances and productivity; (12) Legal and educational considerations; (13) Curriculum development and implementation; (14) Analysis and improvement of learning; (15 Administration/human resource management. These studies are expected to be implemented in relation to the management system of early childhood education (PAUD), primary, secondary and higher education in an effective and efficient education management system. Students are expected to understand conceptually regarding system analysis management of PAUD, primary, secondary and higher education including research results and novelty (aspects of novelty) both substantively and methodologically which can be studied and used as a model or comparison material to support writing a dissertation and articles. The systematics of writing chapter reviews include: (A) summary content based on the chapter studied (see the final abilities of each learning stage/lesson material); its relation to the PAUD management system, primary secondary and higher education; (D) what things need to be repaired/improved/developed for future/further school management; (E) what the results are in the author‘s opinion; (F) the author‘s new offer is based on the results of a literature study/small research and the results of relevant previous research; (G) recommended model offered in the form of a context diagram.
Program Objectives (PO)
- CPMK1 (PLO-1/S-1) Mampu menginternalisasikan karakter”cerdas, religius, berakhlak mulia, mandiri, peduli, beretika akademik dan tangguh sesuai dengan peran dan fungsi yang diemban di dalam maupun di luar lingkungan kerja, maupun dalam konteks bermasyarakat, berbangsa dan bernegara.
- CPMK2 (PLO-2/P-1) Memiliki landasan pengetahuan konseptual yang kuat tentang sistem pengelolaan PAUD, pendidikan dasar menengah dan tinggi melalui kajian literatur maupun studi empirik untuk menghasilkan karya kreatif, original dan teruji.
- CPMK3 (PLO-5/KU-2) Mampu menghasilkan pengetahuan konseptual teori dan perkembangan sistem pengelolaan PAUD, pendidikan dasar menengah dan tinggi melalui pengembangan peta jalan penelitian dengan pendekatan interdisiplin, multidisiplin dan transdisiplin
- CMK4/ (PLO-6/KK-1) Mampu memecahkan permasalahan dalam sistem pengelolaan PAUD, pendidikan dasar, menengah dan tinggi dalam mengembangkan satuan/lembaga pendidikan maupun organisasi lain pada berbagai level dengan pemikiran logis,