Course Description
Through this course, learning children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a course that provides students with understanding and knowledge, as well as experience about concepts, principles, classification, prevalence, causes, needs, and problems of children with emotional and behavioral disorders. Examining the curriculum, implementation of learning and learning principles for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Examining forms of planning and problem solving related to the education of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Manage learning processes and services both cooperatively and individually in class arrangement, media use, and developing learning topics for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Examining various ways of implementing learning and micro teaching services and being able to make decisions to find alternatives in solving educational problems for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Case study exercises to handle the communication, emotional and social learning behavior of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Lectures are carried out using a system of presentations, discussions, project assignments and reflection.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Memahami tentang konsep dasar anak dengan gangguan emosi perilaku Memahami tentang prinsip, klasifikasi, prevalensi, sebab-sebab, kebutuhan, problematika anak dengan gangguan emosi perilaku
- Memahami tentang kurikulum serta perencanaan pembelajaran anak dengan gangguan pemusatan perhatian dan hiperaktif
- Mampu menerapkan strategi penanganan perilaku anak dengan gangguan pemusatan perhatian dan hiperaktif dengan memanfaatkan IPTEKS sebagai alat bantu