Course Description
The Orthopedagogics course is a course that provides understanding and knowledge, as well as experience and skills to students through the definition of orthopedagogy, foundations, history of special education, its relationship with other sciences, theories, concepts, principles of children with special needs including: children who are blind, deaf, disabled. intellectually disabled, autistic, children with learning difficulties, special intelligent and special gifted children, children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, slow learning children, classification, causal factors, characteristics and special needs in learning and the ability to plan, modify, apply, evaluate and solving problems related to orthopedagogy and equipping students to be able to make decisions in applying orthopedagogy and finding alternative solutions in solving problems in the field of children with special needs both in special schools and inclusive schools. Lectures are carried out through presentations, discussions, chapter report assignments, and reflections
Program Objectives (PO)
- Menguasai konsep teoritis dasar-dasar anak berkebutuhan khusus meliputi: anak tunanetra, tunarungu, tunagrahita, tunadaksa, autis, anak berkesulitan belajar, anak cerdas istimewa dan berbakat istimewa, anak dengan gangguan pemusatan perhatian dan hiperaktifitas, serta anak lambat belajar
- Menemukenali dan mengasesmen anak berkebutuhan khusus meliputi: anak tunanetra, tunarungu, tunagrahita, tunadaksa, autis, anak berkesulitan belajar, anak cerdas istimewa dan berbakat istimewa, anak dengan gangguan pemusatan perhatian dan hiperaktifitas, serta anak lambat belajar dengan menggunakan berbagai teknik dan strategi
- Terampil bekerja mandiri, bekerja sama di dalam tim kolaboratif, bertanggung jawab baik tugas individu maupun tim, serta mengkomunikasikan ide, pendapat, dan argumentasi secara lisan/tertulis terhadap program pembelajaran anak berkebutuhan khusus yang dilaksanakan