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Course Schedule
S1 Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran UNESA
Semester: 2013/2014 Gasal


Kelas Reguler

Hari Jam Mata Kuliah
Senin 07:00 Introduction To Adm And Management Science
Senin 07:00 Economic Statistics
Senin 09:30 Computer Basics
Senin 09:30 Introduction To Macroeconomic Theory
Senin 13:40 Introduction To Adm And Management Science
Senin 13:40 Economic Statistics
Senin 15:20 Computer Basics
Senin 15:20 Introduction To Macroeconomic Theory
Selasa 07:00 Physical Education And Sports Employees
Selasa 09:30 Indonesian Cooperatives
Selasa 09:30 Pengantar Bisnis
Selasa 13:40 Physical Education And Sports Employees
Selasa 15:20 Indonesian Cooperatives
Selasa 15:20 Pengantar Bisnis
Rabu 07:00 English Ii
Rabu 07:00 Pengantar Akuntansi
Rabu 08:40 Indonesian
Rabu 10:20 Pancasila Education
Rabu 10:20 Business Law
Rabu 13:40 English Ii
Rabu 13:40 Pengantar Akuntansi
Rabu 14:30 Indonesian
Rabu 16:10 Business Law
Rabu 16:10 Pancasila Education
Kamis 07:00 Introduction To Microeconomic Theory
Kamis 07:00 Stenography
Kamis 09:30 Entrepreneurship
Kamis 13:40 Perpajakan
Kamis 13:40 Stenography
Kamis 13:40 Introduction To Microeconomic Theory
Kamis 15:20 Entrepreneurship
Jumat 07:00 Perpajakan
Jumat 07:00 Matematika Ekonomi
Jumat 09:30 Leadership
Jumat 13:40 Matematika Ekonomi
Jumat 15:20 Leadership