
Our Top Course
Pengembangan Media Foto
( 16 Sections)
Komunikasi Pembelajaran
( 16 Sections)

Course Schedule
S1 Sosiologi UNESA
Semester: 2011/2012 Genap


Kelas Reguler

Hari Jam Mata Kuliah
Senin 07:00 Indonesian
Senin 07:00 Sosiologi Hukum
Senin 07:00 Sociology Of Religion
Senin 07:00 Sociology Of Religion
Senin 08:40 Pendidikan Agama Islam
Senin 09:30 Education Statistics Study
Senin 09:30 Sociology Culture
Senin 09:30 Sociology Culture
Senin 10:20 Introduction To Social Statistics
Senin 11:10 Labor Organizations In The World Iii
Senin 13:40 Indonesian
Senin 13:40 Educational Management Study
Senin 13:40 National And Global Economic Relations
Senin 14:30 Pendidikan Agama Islam
Senin 14:30 Labor Mobility
Senin 15:20 Sosiologi Hukum
Senin 16:10 English I
Selasa 07:00 Human Resources Study And Work Ethic
Selasa 07:00 English I
Selasa 07:00 Sociology Of Education And Health
Selasa 08:40 Citizenship
Selasa 08:40 Theory Modern Sociological Theory
Selasa 08:40 Theory Modern Sociological Theory
Selasa 09:30 Group Dynamics
Selasa 09:30 Group Dynamics
Selasa 10:20 Pengantar Ilmu Ekonomi
Selasa 11:10 Manajemen Konflik
Selasa 11:10 Manajemen Konflik
Selasa 13:40 Antropologi Pendidikan
Selasa 13:40 Sociology Knowledge
Selasa 14:30 Citizenship
Selasa 16:10 Sociology Of Education And Health
Selasa 16:10 Human Resource Management
Rabu 07:00 Quantitative Sociological Research Methods
Rabu 07:00 Urban Sociology
Rabu 09:30 Sociology Family And Gender
Rabu 09:30 Critical Education
Rabu 09:30 Sociology Family And Gender
Rabu 09:30 Introduction To Educational Science
Rabu 13:40 Regional Autonomy Studies
Rabu 13:40 Philosophy Of Education
Rabu 13:40 Gender And Sports Sports
Rabu 14:30 Ekonomi Politik
Rabu 15:20 Consumer Culture
Rabu 16:10 Introduction To Social Statistics
Kamis 07:00 Social Institutions
Kamis 07:00 Socio-Cultural Change
Kamis 07:00 Economic And Industrial
Kamis 07:00 Economic And Industrial
Kamis 07:00 Socio-Cultural Change
Kamis 08:40 Peng Science Public Health
Kamis 09:30 On Educational Assessment And Evaluation
Kamis 09:30 Sociology Of Sport
Kamis 11:10 Industrial Anthropology
Kamis 11:10 Introduction To Science Or And Recreation
Kamis 13:40 Medical Anthropology
Kamis 13:40 Study Of Population And The Elderly
Kamis 14:30 Social Institutions
Kamis 15:20 Quantitative Sociological Research Methods
Kamis 16:10 Kuliah Kerja Nyata
Jumat 07:00 Social Problems
Jumat 07:00 Social Problems
Jumat 07:00 Urban Sociology
Jumat 08:40 Theory Critical Theory
Jumat 09:30 Medical Anthropology
Jumat 11:10 Catholic Religious Education
Jumat 11:10 Protestant Religious Education
Jumat 13:40 Socio-Cultural Change
Jumat 13:40 Socio-Cultural Change
Jumat 13:40 Sexual Behavior
Management Social Research Design