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Course Schedule
S1 Pendidikan Biologi UNESA
Semester: 2011/2012 Genap


Kelas Reguler

Hari Jam Mata Kuliah
Senin 07:00 Mikologi
Senin 07:00 Pendidikan Agama Islam
Senin 07:00 Taxonomy Of Invertebrates
Senin 07:00 Basic Of Education
Senin 07:00 Invertebrate Taxonomy
Senin 07:00 Pendidikan Agama Islam
Senin 07:00 Anatomi Tumbuhan
Senin 07:00 Ekologi Umum
Senin 08:40 Basics Of Education
Senin 08:40 Basics Of Education
Senin 08:40 Curriculum Analysis
Senin 10:20 Religion
Senin 10:20 Thesis
Senin 13:40 Mikologi
Senin 13:40 Biochemistry
Senin 13:40 Taxonomy Of Invertebrates
Senin 13:40 Invertebrate Taxonomy
Senin 13:40 Anatomi Tumbuhan
Senin 13:40 Animal Physiology
Senin 13:40 Ekologi Umum
Senin 13:40 Thesis
Senin 15:20 Thesis
Selasa 07:00 Biochemistry
Selasa 07:00 Avertebrate Taxonomy
Selasa 07:00 Education Problems Innovation
Selasa 07:00 Pengetahuan Lingkungan
Selasa 07:00 Pengetahuan Lingkungan
Selasa 07:00 Animal Anatomy
Selasa 07:00 Innovative Learning Ii
Selasa 07:00 Physics Animal Physiology
Selasa 08:40 Cell Biology
Selasa 10:20 Thesis
Selasa 11:10 Mycology
Selasa 13:40 Biochemistry
Selasa 13:40 Biochemistry
Selasa 13:40 Plant Anatomy
Selasa 13:40 Environmental Science
Selasa 13:40 Animal Anatomy
Selasa 13:40 Animal Anatomy
Selasa 13:40 Physics Animal Physiology
Selasa 13:40 Innovative Learning Ii
Rabu 07:00 Mycology
Rabu 07:00 Morphology Of Plants
Rabu 07:00 Taxonomy Of Higher Plants
Rabu 07:00 Morphology Of Plants
Rabu 07:00 Plant Taxonomy Ii
Rabu 07:00 Learning Theory
Rabu 08:40 Cell Biology
Rabu 09:30 Thesis
Rabu 10:20 Cell Biology
Rabu 11:10 Seminar
Rabu 13:40 Human Anatomy And Physiology
Rabu 13:40 Taxonomy Of Higher Plants
Rabu 13:40 Teori Belajar
Rabu 13:40 Teaching Learning Process Iii
Rabu 13:40 General Ecology
Rabu 13:40 Teori Belajar
Rabu 14:30 Seminar
Kamis 07:00 Entrepreneurship
Kamis 07:00 Statistics
Kamis 07:00 Morphology Of Plants
Kamis 07:00 2nd English Language
Kamis 07:00 School
Kamis 07:00 Animal Reproduction
Kamis 08:40 Seminar
Kamis 08:40 English Ii
Kamis 08:40 English Ii
Kamis 09:30 School
Kamis 10:20 Innovation And Educational Problems
Kamis 13:40 Entrepreneurship
Kamis 13:40 Statistics
Kamis 13:40 Higher Plant Taxonomy
Kamis 13:40 Plant Morphology
Kamis 13:40 Animal Reproduction
Kamis 14:30 Innovation And Educational Problems
Jumat 07:00 Citizenship
Jumat 07:00 Citizenship
Jumat 09:30 Ppl I
Jumat 13:40 Entrepreneurship
Jumat 13:40 Citizenship
Jumat 13:40 Animal Reproduction System
Jumat 14:30 Ppl I
Ppl I
Matematika Dasar