This course discusses studying basic statistical concepts for quantitative research.This course is a basic course supporting psychological research and measurement.
Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)
PLO-4 Mengembangkan diri secara berkelanjutan dan berkolaborasi.
PLO-6 Able to apply the concept of Business and Marketing and other cognate fields of knowledge as a support for mastery of knowledge that is relevant to the development of science and technology
PLO-8 Able to design and implement scientific activities in the fields of education and science of Business and Marketing and communicate the results
Program Objectives (PO)
PO-1 CPMK 1 Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan konsep statistika untuk mendukung pengembangan ilmu dan teknologi dalam bidang bisnis dan pemasaran, serta merancang dan melaksanakan kegiatan ilmiah yang relevan dan mengkomunikasikan hasilnya secara efektif