This Philosophy of Science course has four main parts, namely: Humans as thinking creatures; Scope of philosophy of science; Means of scientific thinking, and science; and the nature and use of knowledge. The first part discusses the advantages of humans with reason so that they have a curious nature and the ability to think that gives birth to knowledge. The second part discusses science as a philosophical study, the origins of science and the history of the development of science as well as the relationship between science and philosophy. The third part discusses the basics of knowledge which include reasoning, logic, as a way to find truth, criteria for truth, sources of knowledge and truth; the basics of science which include the object of knowledge study (ontology) as well as the interpretation of the nature of object reality, the laws of causality and regularity. The fourth section discusses the tools of scientific thinking which include language, mathematics and statistics, the role of mathematics in logic and the development of science, apart from that it also discusses aspects of logic, namely the role of symbols, systems and scientific theories, scientific explanations and finally it discusses the nature and use of science. . The lecture strategies used in this lecture are lecture methods, question and answer, discussion, assignments and presentations.