Course Description This course is a continuation of the Chukyu Chokai course. The material in this course contains short conversations, short stories and simple news packaged in various themes, such as completing a list of wedding plans, activities carried out by someone, and conversations in the office using certain sentence patterns. Students learn to listen, recite, interpret the content of the conversation or news that is heard, then answer questions correctly, which is done through several techniques, namely discussion, question and answer, and presentation. At the end of the lesson, students can retrieve important information, then try to retell it orally. With the final result being able to develop the ability to produce a real product from project-based learning activities using ICT, which prioritizes 21st century skills (6C = communication, collaboration, critical thinking, citizenship, creativity and character) in a full responsible manner. Learning applies active learning and project-based learning (PjBL) methods. Learning evaluation is carried out in the form of written tests, assignments, and activity checklists in lecture activities.