This course teaches students about personality theories from the psychodynamic approach, trait approach, humanistic approach, cognitive approach, behavioral approach, and contemporary approach and their application to understand the behavior and problems of students (counselees) in the context of guidance and counseling practices at school. Personality theories studied from a psychodynamic approach are the psychoanalytic theory of Sigmund Freud, the psychoanalytic theory of Carl Gustaf Jung, and the individual psychology theory of Alfred Adler. Personality theories studied from the trait approach are Gordon Allport‘s trait theory and Eysenc‘s typology theory. Personality theories studied from a humanistic approach are those of Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, and Carl May. The personality theory from the cognitive approach studied is George Kelly‘s theory. Personality theories studied from a behavioral approach are the theories of BF Skinner, Jullian Rotter, and Albert Bandura. Personality theories studied from a contemporary approach are multicultural theory, Big Five theory, and Suryomentaram theory. Lectures are carried out using a combination method of lecture, question and answer, discussion, examples, exercises and homework and are assisted by using multimedia technology as a delivery tool. Assessment of student success is based on participation scores in attending lectures, structured assignment and final assignment scores, UTS and UAS scores.