Course Description
This course discusses the conceptual framework of consumer behavior and various relevant issues in the consumer decision making process which is integrated in marketing strategy. In this course students are expected to be able to describe the concept of consumer behavior, define consumer values, define consumer trust, explain consumer knowledge and attitudes, define consumer perception, describe motivation and buying interest, identify personality and lifestyle, measure and analyze consumer satisfaction and loyalty, and able to Analyze and Practice Consumer Protection.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Mampu menguasai teori tentang perilaku konsumen secara menyeluruh
- Mampu menyelesaikan tugasnya dan kewajibannya dengan bertanggung jawab dan beretika
- Mampu mengaplikasikan teori tentang perilaku konsumen dengan memanfaatkan IPTEKS
- Mampu mengomunikasikan alternatif hasil penyelesaian masalah yang berkaitan dengan Perilaku Konsumen Islam