Course Description
This course is intended to understand the position of business entities in the economic system as well as the role of various stakeholders in the development and success of business entities, the function of business management, and the relationship between business entities and the environment. In this course students also learn to explain the components of business planning by applying the knowledge gained during the learning process. The discussion in this course is related to the explanation of the concept of business introduction, explanation of business concepts in the era of globalization, explanation of the components of business planning, identification of the environment that influences business, definition and identification of business ethics, as well as preparation of a SWOT analysis. The learning method that is often used is Case Based Learning.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Mampu menguasai teori tentang pengantar bisnis secara menyeluruh
- Mampu menganalisis dan mempraktikkan etika bekerja sesuai syariah
- Mampu mendesain perencanaan bisnis yang sesuai dengan konsep syariah