Course Description
This course equips students with language skills and components at a basic (pre-intermediate) level. This course also introduces a standardized test which includes training in reading skills, listening comprehension and grammar and vocabulary which are aimed at preparing for the international standard English test. All lecture activities will be presented using a system of lectures, presentations, discussions, problem solving and reflection. This course equips students with language skills and components at a pre-intermediate level. This course also introduces standardized tests that include exercises in reading skills, listening comprehension and structure, and vocabulary which are directed for the preparation of international standard English tests. All lecture activities will be presented with a system of lectures, presentations, discussions, problem-solving tasks, and reflection.
Program Objectives (PO)
- P2. Mahasiswa mampu menggunakan Bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi secara lisan dan tulis dalam konteks-konteks keseharian dan umum terbatas. P2. Students are able to use English to communicate orally and in writing in limited daily and general contexts.
- C2. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan pengetahuan dasar ilmu Bahasa Inggris. C2. Students are able to explain basic knowledge of English.
- C5. Mahasiswa mampu memutuskan bahasa yang tepat sesuai dengan kaidah penggunaan Bahasa Inggris sesuai dengan konteksnya. C5. Students are able to decide the appropriate language according to the rules for using English according to the context.