Course Description
Describe and analyze the meaning of econometrics; correlation and regression; simple linear regression; multiple linear regression; deviation from classical model assumptions; regression with dummy independent variables; as well as panel regression models. Learning is carried out by applying a direct, cooperative and practical approach.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Mampu menerapkan norma dan etika dalam menganalisis informasi dan data, Able to apply norms and ethics in analyzing information and data
- Mampu memanfaatkan IPTEKS dalam bidang ekonometrika serta mengaplikasikannya melalui software, Able to utilize science and technology in the field of econometrics and apply it through software
- Menguasai konsep teoritis bidang ekonometrika serta mengolah data dalam model regresi linier dan model regresi panel, Mastering the theoretical concepts of econometrics and processing data in linear regression models and panel regression models
- Mampu mengambil keputusan berdasarkan analisis informasi dan data serta memberikan petunjuk dalam memilih alternatif solusi, Able to make decisions based on analysis of information and data and provide instructions in choosing alternative solutions
- Bertanggungjawab dalam menginformasikan hasil analisis informasi dan data baik secara lisan dan tulisan, Responsible for informing the results of the analysis of information and data both orally and in writing