This course provides knowledge about the basic concepts of Sharia 19ah economics, sources of Sharia 19ah economic law, the Syari 19ah economic system, micro and macro economics of Sharia 19ah, transaction principles in Sharia 19ah economics, as well as contemporary Sharia 19ah economic thinking.
Program Objectives (PO)
Aktifitas Pembelajaran
Pertemuan 1
Kemampuan memahami hakekat dan sejarah ekonomi syari’ah
Date 28 Agustus 2023
Pertemuan 2
Kemampuan memahami Fondasi dan sumber hukum ekonomi syari’ah
This course is a study of the basic concepts of monetary economics which examines central banks and financial services authorities, commercial banks, non-bank financial institutions,
Mata kuliah ini meliputi pembahasan konsep dasar kewirausahaan, memotivasi diri sendiri dalam mewujudkan dream, peluang usaha dan ide bisnis, etika bisnis, rencana bisnis, rencana pemasaran
Industrial psychology discusses aspects of individual behavior and their interactions between individuals in groups in an organization. The discussion of this course emphasizes the level