Course Description
The discussion of scientific methods for solving problems in the field of education, introduces the basics of scientific research (scientific approach) which is the basis for carrying out analyzes related to the application of commercial science. This course discusses qualitative and quantitative approaches and the obstacles that limit them in the context of social research in society, organizations and corporate levels. This course emphasizes aspects of research planning, forming problem models, collecting relevant data, processing collected data, testing hypotheses, and forming scientific conclusions which were the aim of the research in the first place. Lectures are carried out using a system of case study analysis, presentations and discussions and reflections.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Menunjukkan sikap bertanggungjawab atas pekerjaan secara mandiri maupun kelompok
- Memanfaatkan teknologi dan informasi untuk memperluas wawasan tentang penerapan Penelitian Pendidikan Ekonomi (PTK, Experimen, Survei, Lesson Study, Pengembangan, Korelasi, dan Penyusunan artikel Ilmiah)
- Mengidentifikasi dan memberikan solusi dalam pembelajaran ekonomi melalui perancangan penelitian pendidikan ekonomi.
- Merancang penelitian pendidikan ekonomi dalam pembelajaran ekonomi