Course Description
This course is the most important course in Digital Business because it is included in the VISION of the Study Program, where this course combines material on business ethics and technology ethics so that students are able to understand the essence of ethics, ethical theory, the Code of Ethics in digital business, GCG principles and the relationship between business ethics. digital, CSR principles and the relationship between digital business ethics, Ethical Issues During the Design Process, Technology Mediation, Moralization of Technology, Responsibility and the Law, Distribution of Responsibility and Technology Design, Environmental Ethics, Engineer Ethics and Sustainability
Program Objectives (PO)
- Mampu menguasai konsep-konsep dan teori-teori etika bisnis serta mampu mengambil keputusan etis yang terkait dengan pemahaman etika bisnis digial.
- Mampu mengerti dan memahami tentang isu-isu etika bisnis digital yang mendorong pengembangan dari kerangka kerja akuntabilitas tata kelola yang bermunculan, dan penanganan secara efektif.
- Mampu mengerti dan memahami tentang isu-isu etika teknologi informasi.