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( 16 Sections)

Course System Analysis and Design

Program Studi S1 Bisnis Digital UNESA

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Course Description

One of the crucial stages in software development is requirements engineering. The success of a software development project is achieved when stakeholder needs can be met according to what was promised by the developer. So in the initial software development process, students need an understanding of systems and software engineering, methods for exploring stakeholder needs, analysis techniques, and approaches for documenting software requirements specifications. The activities in this lecture will be carried out using independent and group learning methods so that students can be trained when they are directly involved in software development projects. (One of the crucial stages in software development is requirements engineering. The success of a software development project is achieved when stakeholder needs can be fulfilled according to what was promised by the developer. So, in the initial process of software development, students need a understanding of systems and software engineering, methods for exploring stakeholder needs, techniques for analyzing, and approaches for documenting software requirements specifications. Activities in this lecture will be carried out using independent and group learning methods so that they can train students when they are directly involved in software development projects.)

Program Objectives (PO)

  • Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan spesifikasi kebutuhan perangkat lunak [C2, A2] | Students are able to explain software requirement specification [C2, A2]
  • Mahasiswa mampu mendefinisikan kebutuhan tingkat tinggi dan kandidat domain [C3, A2] | Students are able to define high-level requirement and domain candidate [C2, A2]
  • Mahasiswa mampu menganalisis dan mengelisitasi spesifikasi kebutuhan perangkat lunak [C3, P2, A2] | Students are able to analyze and to elicit software requirement specification [C3, P2, A2]
  • Mahasiswa mampu membuat rancangan diagram unified modelling language (UML) sesuai kebutuhan perangkat lunak [C4, P3, A2] | Students are capable to design software specification using UML diagram [C4, P3, A2]

Aktifitas Pembelajaran

  • Pertemuan 1
    Konsep analisis kebutuhan perangkat lunak berbasis kerangka kerja [C2, A2] | Students are able to understand concept of software requirement analysis using framework [C2, A2]
    • Date  5 Februari 2024

  • Pertemuan 2
    Konsep analisis kebutuhan perangkat lunak berbasis kerangka kerja [C2, A2] | Students are able to understand concept of software requirement analysis using framework [C2, A2]
    • Date  12 Februari 2024

  • Pertemuan 3
    Kebutuhan sistem tingkat tinggi dan objek domain [C3, A2] | Students are able to define a high-level requirement system and domain objects [C3, A2]
    • Date  19 Februari 2024

  • Pertemuan 4
    Menganalisis kebutuhan fungsional dan non-fungsional berdasarkan cerita pengguna [C3, A2] | Students are able to analyze functional and non-functional requirement based on user stories [C3, A2]
    • Date  26 Februari 2024

  • Pertemuan 5
    Menganalisis kebutuhan fungsional dan non-fungsional berdasarkan cerita pengguna [C3, A2] | Students are able to analyze functional and non-functional requirement based on user stories [C3, A2]
    • Date  4 Maret 2024

  • Pertemuan 6
    Menyusun scenario/ narasi kasus penggunaan dari kebutuhan fungsional sistem [C3, A2, P2] | Students are able to compose use case narratives based on functional requirement system [C3, A2, P2]
    • Date  11 Maret 2024

  • Pertemuan 7
    Menyusun scenario/ narasi kasus penggunaan dari kebutuhan fungsional sistem [C3, A2, P2] | Students are able to compose use case narratives based on functional requirement system [C3, A2, P2]
    • Date  18 Maret 2024

  • Pertemuan 8
    Mempresentasikan keterkaitan antara high-level requirement, kebutuhan fungsional, hingga narasi use case dengan komprehensif [C3, P2, A3] Students are able to present the correlation between highlevel requirement, functional requirements, to use case narratives comprehensively [C3, P2, A3]
    • Date  25 Maret 2024

  • Pertemuan 9
    Membuat desain sistem menggunakan diagram UML seperti Use Case Diagram, Sequence Diagram, dan Activity Diagram [C4, P2, A2] | Students are able to create UML diagram such use case diagrams, sequence diagrams, and activity diagrams [C4, P2, A2]
    • Date  1 April 2024

  • Pertemuan 10
    Membuat desain sistem menggunakan diagram UML seperti Use Case Diagram, Sequence Diagram, dan Activity Diagram [C4, P2, A2] | Students are able to create UML diagram such use case diagrams, sequence diagrams, and activity diagrams [C4, P2, A2]
    • Date  8 April 2024

  • Pertemuan 11
    Membuat desain sistem menggunakan diagram UML seperti Use Case Diagram, Sequence Diagram, dan Activity Diagram [C4, P2, A2] | Students are able to create UML diagram such use case diagrams, sequence diagrams, and activity diagrams [C4, P2, A2]
    • Date  15 April 2024

  • Pertemuan 12
    Membuat analisis dan desain sistem berdasarkan ide bisnis secara kohesif dan komprehensif [C4, P3, A2] | Students are able to create system analysis and design based on business idea cohesively and comprehensively [C4, P3, A2]
    • Date  22 April 2024

  • Pertemuan 13
    Membuat analisis dan desain sistem berdasarkan ide bisnis secara kohesif dan komprehensif [C4, P3, A2] | Students are able to create system analysis and design based on business idea cohesively and comprehensively [C4, P3, A2]
    • Date  29 April 2024

  • Pertemuan 14
    Membuat analisis dan desain sistem berdasarkan ide bisnis secara kohesif dan komprehensif [C4, P3, A2] | Students are able to create system analysis and design based on business idea cohesively and comprehensively [C4, P3, A2]
    • Date  6 Mei 2024

  • Pertemuan 15
    Membuat analisis dan desain sistem berdasarkan ide bisnis secara kohesif dan komprehensif [C4, P3, A2] | Students are able to create system analysis and design based on business idea cohesively and comprehensively [C4, P3, A2]
    • Date  13 Mei 2024

  • Pertemuan 16
    Mempresentasikan dokumen konsep operasi yang utuh suatu ide sistem bisnis digital berdasarkan framework tertentu [C4, A3, P3] | Students are capable to present the IEEE Concept of operations document properly [C4, A3, P3]
    • Date  20 Mei 2024


  • 215,475 Reviews4.8 Rating

  • 215,475 Reviews4.8 Rating

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  • Program StudiS1 Bisnis Digital
  • Semester4
  • Lectures2
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