Course Description
The Strategic Leadership course is given to Bachelor of Management students in the 5th (fifth) semester to learn more about leadership and the strategic management process so that it can be equipped for students to make the right decisions when leading an organization. Through this course students will learn leadership theory so they can apply appropriate leadership styles to certain organizations, study the strategic management process so they can make the right decisions, understand how strategic leaders organize so they can manage the organization well, and understand the function and role of leadership. strategy so that they can implement strategic leadership optimally. The learning method applied is student-based constructivist, where students are active in searching for learning resources and constructing their knowledge according to learning objectives. The learning strategies applied are reading literature, discussing and listening to explanations.
Program Objectives (PO)
- C2. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan teori kepemimpinan strategik dengan tepat
- P5. Mahasiswa mampu membuat keputusan strategis berdasarkan analisis informasi dalam organisasi dengan tepat
- A5. Mahasiswa mampu menunjukkan karakter Iman, cerdas, mandiri, jujur, peduli dan tangguh di dalam kegiatan pembelajaran kepemimpinan strategik
- C4. Mahasiswa mampu menelaah secara strategis dalam berbagai situasi kompetitif
- C4. Mahasiswa mampu menelaah tantangan-tantangan kompetitif baik domestik maupun global dengan jelas.