Course Description
This course aims to provide understanding and mastery of the nature of human movement development, as well as the involvement of elements that support the achievement of movement mastery and improvement of movement skills. Apart from that, students will learn to develop movement learning models in physical education that can improve the quality of movement. Students are expected to be able to produce learning output in the form of a movement learning model that is in accordance with the principles of physical education, and be able to demonstrate the ability to reflect on the learning process experienced during lectures. Learning is carried out using presentation and discussion approaches, project assignments and reflection. During the learning process, students will receive an assessment based on the achievement of competencies related to the learning objectives.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Mahasiswa memahami dan menguasai hakikat perkembangan gerak manusia, serta unsur-unsur yang mendukung pencapaian penguasaan gerak dan peningkatan keterampilan gerak
- Mahasiswa mampu menyusun model-model pembelajaran gerak dalam pendidikan jasmani yang mampu meningkatkan kualitas gerak
- Mahasiswa menunjukkan sikap ilmiah, kritis, dan inovatif dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani secara profesional